lighting us up

What's lighting you up today?

Want to tell me?

the link opens a simple form I made with 4 questions: (1) the first Q above, (2) a spot to share your name if you want, (3) consent to share your response, and (4) an open-ended 'care to share anything else?' Q.

I'm feeling lit up and curious to know about your own lit up-ness!

What's lighting me up today:

  • creative partnerships that deeply enliven me and the other being!
  • how change = creativity = the only constant
  • the set of four cards I pulled this morning (and that pulled me) and how it totally speaks to this entire note (maybe you feel called to take in the imagery below)
  • a recent very low tide beach walk with three fellow beach lovers (two of whom are readers here – hello!! – and one of whom has his own page but likely cares far more about running directly into the Sound than having a page on the Internet)
  • a chalk drawing I admired yesterday of an intricate Easter egg that three young neighbors likely drew for me (as they wrote TO: CASANDRA at the bottom)
Thanks to friend and continual co-creator, Heather Riley, back in January, I started pulling four cards a day – energy of the day, two of wands (top card), something to accept, four of pentacles (middle card), something to embrace, the fool (bottom card), and – my own addition, something that's ready to offer surprise support, three of cups (card on the right). A snapshot of the intricate Easter egg is included in a collage way on top of the image of the cards atop a red bandana. Yellow swirly doodles are drawn around the cards and edging at the four corners of the image.

I'm excited to learn what's lighting you up if you feel called to share!

Til next time, kin,
