changing oh changing

A lot of changes are underfoot,

and in between the toes,

in the shifting of breezes

the dog tilts his nose up to relish them.

Are you feeling change popping an eye or an arm out from your belly button? Or birds nearby singing songs of what's to come?

Today, I share with you a short(er) note – due to the resting that's been requested from all. the. change.

today... this week... this weekend...

what's requesting your attention? who's requesting your attention?
(within you, between you, beyond you)
what's wanting to be loved? who's wanting to be loved?
(within you, between you, beyond you)
what's wanting you to be beside them? who's wanting you to be beside them?
(within you, between you, beyond you)
what's switching? who's switching?
(within you, between you, beyond you)
what's resisting? who's resisting?
(within you, between you, beyond you)
what's willing? who's willing?
(within you, between you, beyond you)

I'm choosing to breathe and move with one or two of these questions this weekend. I wonder which ones will want to dance with me? with you?

archetypes asking to be shared today:

(I shuffled the deck and spread it wide out in a circle on the bed, asking who wanting to be a part of today's note)

Kim Krans' Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck - The Crone at the top, The Vow at the left, The Pilgrim at the right, and The Flame at the bottom - placed on brick
  • The Crone (The Witch, The Old Woman, The Sage)
In her long life she's witnessed endless cycles of death, sex, failure, rebirth, conflict, and regeneration – giving her the ability to rise above the world of duality. She laughs at notions of good or bad, right or wrong, as she has seen the earth churning, smoldering, taking life and giving life.
  • The Vow (The Promise, The Oath, The Contract)
This card calls us to acknowledge The Vow we are living by (consciously or unconsciously) and either recommit to it or create a ritual that signifies its closure. You've been underestimating the power of your promises.
  • The Pilgrim (The Wanderer, The Traveler, The Apprentice)
We all have a deep longing to answer the call, to get 'unstuck.' What are the obstacles between you and the door?
  • The Flame (The Fire, The Spark, The Glimmer)
In Sanskrit, the word for fire is agni. The ancient yogis saw this flame at the center of the abdomen and believed it to be responsible for our vitality. When it is lit, we are connected to our purpose and sense that life is a sacred gift. It is said that those who cannot see the sacred around them have let their inner flame go out. Think of this card as a call to reignite those things you've forgotten and protect the flame, no matter how harshly the winds around you blow.

The four quotes above are written by Kim Krans.

Where do you sense inner resonance – and inner off-ness – within what's shared here?

another something wanting to be shared:

Remember: Change is an invitation to get to know the parts of you that resist it, or try to run from it. The more you can treat the day like a low-stakes experiment, the more you’ll invite discovery into every moment of it. Chani Nicholas

A parting wish for you, for me, for us ~ Remember whatever it is that needs to be remembered. Remember whatever it is that desires to be remembered.

Til next week, archetypal change-relisher,
