Hi there, welcome!

I'm Cassandra. I listen deeply and lead with curiosity. I share these strengths through my work as a Creative Partner, project manager, and early childhood educator.

My creativity welcomes your creativity. My dreams welcome your dreams. My inner knowing welcomes your inner knowing.

If you're into what I've got going on here, I invite you to subscribe to my notes. On a monthly basis, I share my wonderings about nature, belonging, and creativity.

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Jump into My Creative Offerings

Let’s Be Partners

Work with me as your Creative Partner & Marketing Project Manager. These are deep dive partnerships for entrepreneurs who know we’re not meant to do things alone. If you’ve been searching for the missing link in your creative project or business, this may be for you.


Recent Work

Peruse recent work clients and I have co-created. My work as a Creative Partner & Marketing Project Manager is best shared tangibly, so come on over and be with samples of our thoughtful work.


Experiments in Belonging

2020 gave a lot and took a lot. Since then, I've been conducting experiments that are part art, part research, and all parts curiosity. Belonging is the focal point of all experiments as it is the North Star in this life of mine.