On this day today, I'm feeling gratitude for being able to connect with you!
I'm feeling grateful that this connection with you through the Internet is working. And that you are likely resonating with what is shared here.
This is such a small thing in the grand scheme of things. And yet, feeling gratitude for the small gives way to gratitude for the grand.
That grand gratitude might be a growing mountain of small gratitudes or it's gratitude for one grand thing.
What's one small thing that's working in your life right now?
Originally, I wrote a follow-up question: how could you imagine making that one thing better?
But you know what – right now I'd simply rather feel and express gratitude for what's working without the need to make it better.
So, clarity has arrived: What's one small thing that's working in your life right now? How could you imagine feeling gratitude for that thing while releasing the need to improve it?
a different kind of finishing school
For the past three weeks, I've been experimenting with a daily practice of finishing a task each day.
Totally completely finishing the task. Finishing the task so it no longer needs to take up creative space in my mind and on my desk.
About a month ago, I gave two days to a solo, at-home retreat. My relationship with work was my focus for this time.
While I was in this self-compassionate retreat container, I witnessed a long-term pattern of letting tasks fester and remain unfinished.
Almost every morning since late June, I've been selecting a task that is legitimately finish-able by the end of that day.

Some days I choose a half-finished task. Some days I choose a task that I haven't started yet but needs to be finished by the end of the day.
Both paths present their own opportunities and hurdles. I may have pushed that unfinished task to the side because the next step was difficult. I may have something quite large to complete in one day if it's brand new.
The daily practice is giving me momentum and strengthening my courage muscles.
I'm curious... is completely finishing certain tasks challenging for you, too?
If I open this experimental different kind of finishing school to others, would you be interested in joining?
Would a daily practice be supportive for you? Or a different cadence? Would you be into joining this experiment for 7 days? Or 30 days?
Reply to this emailed post with a YES, I'M INTERESTED, if you know... you're interested! ☺️
Answer any questions that call to you. Your answers support me in defining a desired container.
Thank you for being you and for being here.
Til next time,